In the space of five short episodes, Archer has become the funniest show on television… and it isn’t even close. From creator Adam Reed (Sealab 2021, Frisky Dingo), Archer follows the agents of ISIS (International Secret Intelligence Service) as they navigate through both standard spy fare, as well as through office politics in a politically correct world with decidedly un-PC results. Led by an all-star voice cast including Jessica Walter (Arrested Development), Chris Parnell (SNL, 30 Rock), Aisha Tyler (The Soup), and Judy Greer (Adaptation, Arrested Development), without a doubt the standout is H. Jon Benjamin (Late Show With Conan O’Brien, Various Adult Swim cartoons) as the title character, Sterling Archer. Benjamin is perfectly cast as the unhinged Archer who struggles to hold onto what little sanity he possesses while working both for his mother and with his ex-girlfriend and her new (emasculated) lover. Like all top-shelf comedies, Archer works incredibly well as repeat viewing as there may not be another show currently on television where the jokes fly as fast and furiously as they do here. Hulu has brought us all a great Valentine’s Day gift by finally posting the first two episodes online, so I’ve embedded both episodes below. Try not to bust an abdominal muscle from laughing too hard.
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